New Zeal Church are hosting a Pastors and Leadership Pot-luck Dinner with Guest Speaker Pastor Tim Stevensen from Horizon Church Auckland.
‘For there the Lord bestows his blessing’
- When: 6pm Fri 20th Sept 2013
- Where: Zeal Church, Okato
- Cost: Potluck contribution
Download Event Brochure here. Contact Kevin McFetridge, p: 06-752-4993, m: 027-242-7725, e: [email protected]
About Pastor Tim Stevenson
‘I had been pastoring and ministering successfully in churches for 20 years. Helped establish churches and works and traveled all over and had hit the biggest wall of my ministry I ever experienced.
I had tried everything, read every best seller; listened to every anointed CD, went to every conference, listened to every preacher; But still, something inside of me was dying. On the outside friends were applauding my “success.”
My wife and I had planted our church from scratch from our living room, it had grown to over 400 people, we had bought land and built our own building. We had everything – worship teams, childrens church classes, youth groups, finances etc.
A close friend said, “We have arrived!” We had been part of a large, fruitful apostolic team, traveled the world ministering at conferences on almost every continent. But inside I knew something was wrong. It wasnt like our church was dead either we would see the gifts in operation, people would get saved, visitors loved the presence of the Holy Spirit. I thought maybe I was just burning out; maybe I needed a really good vacation.
A couple of weeks before Christmas of 2008 while I was preaching I just kinda froze, stared at the congregation, and echoed the cry of my heart, “If this is it, God help us!” I just knew there had to be more than what I was experiencing, even though it appeared successful outwardly.’